We are required by our regulators (MHRA) to periodically request the completion of medicine qualification checks. These checks are to ensure that the details we hold regarding you and your practice are up to date and that medicines are only sent to those authorised to receive them.
All forms must be signed by hand and a copy of all pages returned by email.
We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation. We understand that these checks can take time, but these checks provide added security to you by ensuring that the information held is up to date and that there are no outdated addresses or contacts on file.
Unfortunately, without these checks we are required by the regulator to restrict access to purchase medicines on the account.
Should you have any queries regarding the documentation, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team on 01376 532758 or via email at customerqualifications@ddgroup.com we will be delighted to assist you.
You must complete a new Customer Account Form in full, including your account code.
You may only need to complete a Medicine Authorisation Form if you are not yourself qualified to order medicines directly.
Our team may contact you if there are any additional forms that you need to complete.
More information:
DD is authorised to sell medicines in the UK by the MHRA under licence number WDA(H)3912. Such authorisation is granted in line with the Human Medicine Regulations 2012.
The MHRA requires authorisation holders to have robust qualification and re-qualification procedures to ensure that patient safety is never compromised by any sales made to parties who are not qualified to receive medicines.
The procedures and processes implemented at DD have been inspected by the MHRA as meeting the requirements and will include checks against professional registers such as GDC, GMC, GPHC, or other Professional Registration, CQC Registration, GDP certification and WDA(H) but periodically will require us to reverify information that customers have provided to us to ensure that information is still current and that practices are notifying us when people move on from their roles.
Whilst we recognise that this can be a time-consuming process it is a key step in ensuring patient safety as well as ensuring that the professionals we work with are protected from any unauthorised use of their information by third parties.