
Composi-Tight 3D Sectional (Slick Bands) Margin Elevation Matrices

MPG215 (Pack 50)
Garrison code: SMT500H10-M


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Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time

Retail Price

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Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time

Product Overview

SlickBands non-stick matrices are the first Tofflemire-style bands to virtually eliminate the problem of difficult to remove matrix bands. A micro-thin coating bonded to either dead-soft or regular stainless steel reduces bonding agent adhesion by a whopping 92%!

The Right-Curve matrix band creates a significantly increased funnel-shaped cone when wrapped around a tooth providing a lower contact point and improved isolation:

  • Funnel shape reaches over to the adjacent tooth more easily and creates a tighter gingival seal
  • Creates broader, deeper contacts
  • Extremely wide preps are simplified
  • Improved visibility for core

The Margin Elevation matrix will give you the best gingival adaptation and contour for the deep margin areas:

  • Matrix is trimmed in height to allow for improved adaptation to deep margin areas
  • Deep margin elevation technique is a useful non-surgical approach to treating deep localized margins

NEW! Composi-Tight Slick Bands Margin Elevation Band

  • 50x Margin Elevation Band for elevating the margin above the gingiva, regular, blue


  • 19 mm height (overall height)
  • 60.5 mm length
  • 0.002" thickness



Composi-Tight 3D Sectional (Slick Bands) Margin Elevation Matrices

MPG215 (Pack 50)
Garrison code: SMT500H10-M


Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time

Retail Price

Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time