GC Orthodontics

Experience LSB Lower Cuspids with Hook

214550 (Pack 5)
GC Orthodontics code: 17-163U-0010


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Retail Price

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Product Overview


EXPERIENCE LSB is a self-ligating lingual bracket similar to EXPERIENCE L, but with a smaller base. It is the tool of choice for aesthetic corrections for anterior alignment. Invisible, EXPERIENCE LSB is the perfect tretament option for discerning adult patients looking for an efficient cosmetic solution. Easy-to-bond through direct bonding on the lingula surface or indirectly via transfer trays.


GC Orthodontics

Experience LSB Lower Cuspids with Hook

214550 (Pack 5)
GC Orthodontics code: 17-163U-0010


Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks

Retail Price

Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks