Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time
Retail Price£11.25
Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time
Product Overview
This bundle includes essential documents that will support you when carrying out treatment under conscious sedation in your practice, including information that treating staff members should be aware of as well as useful material to give to patients and their escorts. In addition, the bundle includes comprehensive consent form templates that can be modified and personalised to suit each individual patient
Documents contained within bundle -
- Inhalation sedation - Information leaflet for parent/guardian
- Patient information leaflet - IV sedation with more than one drug
- Patient information leaflet - What is Conscious Sedation?
- Conscious Sedation Policy
- Conscious Sedation Outcomes audit
- Conscious Sedation Record Keeping audit
- Conscious Sedation Staff Training Audit
- Patient information leaflet - Intravenous Sedation
- Patient information leaflet - Oral Sedation
- Conscious Sedation
- Patient Escort information
- IV sedation - template consent form
- Inhalation sedation - template consent form
“Once purchased please allow 2 working days to receive this bundle electronically. All documents can be personalised easily by inserting your own logo in the spaces provided”.
Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time
Retail Price£11.25
Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time